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November 23, 2008

Two layer agar-agar of strawberry and yogurt

November 23, 2008 10:43 AM | cooked , dessert , recipes

Two layer agar-agar of strawberry and yogurt Image*Outline
Everyone easily obtains, and can use with the strawberry jam and the yogurt as the material, and make wonderful agar-agar with a good externals. Two tastes will mix with exquisiteness in the mouth each other, and elegant delicious be produced.

Two layer agar-agar of strawberry and yogurt Image*Ingredients
Powder agar-agar:2 teaspoons

Plain yogurt:300g

Granulated sugar:8 big spoons

Strawberry jam:4 big spoons

1:The yogurt is put on the bamboo basket that paves the paper towel and leave for 30 minutes. The purpose is to take moisture. And, make it to not mixing with a whisk.

2:Water 175cc and 1 powder agar-agar teaspoon are put in the pan and it overheats by the low flame. Shut off the heat mixing it as it is for 1 minute when boiling. And, the yogurt that does only water 25cc, 4 big spoons of granulated sugar, and water is put, and mixed. And, pour in the container of long and slender(one that the milk carton was cut in the half etc.) and leave it for 10 minutes.

3:Water 175cc and 1 powder agar-agar teaspoon are put in the pan and it overheats by the low flame. Shut off the heat mixing it as it is for 1 minute when boiling. And, water 75cc and the strawberry jam are put and mixed.

4:'3' is put on '2' and the sink is put with the spoon quietly. And, leave it at the normal temperature for about 30 minutes.

5:'4' is cooled with the refrigerator for about 1 hour.

6:'5' is taken out of the refrigerator it pulls it out to a favorite size from among the container completely.


1:When the agar-agar of the strawberry is poured, let's quietly put it. It is likely to mix with the yogurt agar-agar below.

2:Cutting length the milk carton not needed and using it for the container might be good.

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