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April 19, 2008

Let's use the straw and aluminum foil well as a tool of the dish.

April 19, 2008 04:30 PM | secrets

Activity with unexpected straw and aluminum foil is done. In the kitchen! It considerably becomes easy to have had a hard time in the current cooking utensil.

A small amount of lemon soup is put out with the straw. ImageThe straw cut beforehand diagonally is prepared. And, the one side of the lemon is cut only a little, and the straw is inserted. And, the lemon soup to need it when squeezing a lemon can be put out by way of the straw.

Please do the Saranwrap and preserve it when only a necessary amount squeezes soup.

Paring of ginger using aluminum foil ImageThe skin of the ginger uneven in a detailed part is not peeled off easily. Aluminum foil is taken an active part in such a scene.

Aluminum foil is rounded crumpled. And, it expands it. Ginger is rubbed with the aluminum foil. Then, the skin can be quick peeled off and it is possible to use it without uselessness.

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