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October 24, 2009

Simple rusk

October 24, 2009 03:59 PM | cooked , dessert , microwave , recipes

Simple rusk Image*Outline
I devise it to French bread and can easily make rusk. The person who gives French bread a wide berth if dull can eat this no matter how.

Simple rusk Image*Ingredients
French bread:Approximately 15 centimeters

Margarine:2 cups of tablespoons

Sugar:An appropriate amount

1:Slice the French bread in thickness of approximately 1 centimeter. And put on cooking sheet to a microwave oven and display bread on the top and heat for approximately 1 minute.

2:Reverse bread of '1' and heat more for 1 minute.

3:Paint '2' with margarine and sprinkle sugar on the top.

4:Heat '3' with a toaster for 2 minutes.


1:It had better cut the French bread diagonally.

2:It is easy to come to cut bread when I get the kitchen knife wet with water beforehand.

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