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June 01, 2008

Improvisation pickle of cabbage

June 1, 2008 03:10 PM | cooked , recipes , side , vegetable & fruit

Improvisation pickle of cabbage Image*Outline
Pickles eaten at once by a fresh cabbage were made. The sweetness of the cabbage and bitter of myoga match to exquisiteness. It is glad to be able to make it soon to affix the article to meal.

Improvisation pickle of cabbage Image*Ingredients
Cabbage:3 pieces

Myoga:1 piece

Salt:1 teaspoon

Seaweed tea:1 big spoon

1:The cabbage is cut in the size with all sides of 3 centimeters. And, it sees even several times sprinkling with salt.

2:'1' is applied to the cool water. And, the water is squeezed. In addition, the seaweed tea is mixed sprinkling it, and it often soaks.

3:The container is decorated with '2'. And, myoga cut in pieces on in detail is put.


1:If the cabbage is not politely washed because of the water, the salt is too thick.

2:When cutting it, the person who hates heart of a cabbage may be removing.

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